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It’s taken a decade to get here, but dare I say I’m good at what I do —
if you like my style.
It’s graphic, bold, full of transcendent color and poppy high-key light. I often crave a vantage point from above and am keenly aware of how pattern and repetition shape a scene, a place and us. My camera is a passport, and she and I have chosen the path that’s deep and true through the coast of the Carolinas in our first decade creating together.
But when I say I, I mean we. Bless the soul who keeps this show running, my ride-or-die, Ryan Stancil. You could call us a pair.
Ryan’s almost-morbid curiosity drives him to unturn every last stone, which makes him at once a geyser of inspiration and neurotically detailed.
We live between the hog farms of Eastern North Carolina and the barrier islands of the Outer Banks at the confluence of the Neuse and Trent Rivers with our labradoodle, Lexington, but there’s no telling where we could be right now. Definitely somewhere dreaming of coastlines, exploring backroads or scheming with Sandbox Collaborative. And probably eating. Yeah, definitely eating.
We’re Tar Heels (c/o 2011) born, bred and dead and are beyond grateful to have worked with the brightest people and publications in our region.
Keep up with us through my instagram account. Ryan, although a frequent contributor to traditional media, refuses to participate in the social internet. At this point, I’m kind of jealous.