I’ve been at this a long time. And dare I say I’m good at what I do, that is, if you like what I do.
But when I say I, I mean we. Bless the soul who keeps this show running, my ride-or-die Ryan. Guess you would call us a pair.
Camera in hands or head in the clouds, my creativity is energized by ideas, light, forms and textures that compel me. I’d like to think I’m known for my aesthetic sensibilities that give stories gravitas; but, I’ll never be known for sugarcoating the truth or winning a foot race.
Ryan’s ridiculously morbid curiosity drives him to flip every last stone, which makes him at once a geyser of inspiration and neurotically detailed.
We’re pretty grateful to have found one another, especially so early in life. After nearly a dozen years, it’s hard to tell where one of us stops and the other begins.
We live between the hog farms of Eastern North Carolina and the barrier islands of the Outer Banks with our labradoodle, Lexington, but there’s no telling where we could be right now. Definitely somewhere dreaming and exploring. And probably eating.
We’re UNC kids and are beyond grateful to have worked with the biggest, the best, and the brightest - people and publications. Every single one means something special.
Keep up through Baxter’s instagram account. Ryan aka Stan doesn’t believe in social media.